I'm DJing on Friday. Could possibly be my first foray into the digital realm, as I 'm thinking about using James' (Rockwell) Serato setup. It's a surprise party for a friend and I definitely don't feel like lugging records from Whittier to Downtown. Hopefully you'll feel like lugging you're behind to the party to dance. Post some requests and I'll try to work them into my set.

Pick up the pieces!
ha! i actually think i can work this into the set. it's funky as all hell, but no one would really appreciate it's true importance. maybe i'll have a kazoo with me in the dj booth.
oooh- I want the funk!
Can I come? I don't know your friend, so it would definately be a surprise...
Please come!!! Everyone and their maternals is invited. It's half surprise party, half art show, with works by the guest of honor, Mr. Charlie Becker, along with a few others. You are more than welcome to come down and receive dis funk!
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